Ecclesiastes 2:24
A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God
No, thats not the "Drunk of the Week" from the latest Stranger. That's just Kayla at her friend Jalen's 1st birthday party this past weekend. And that queasy look isn't from one too many shots. Its from an overload of cheesy jalepenos and chicken nuggets. Now we don't usually let Kayla K.O. on fried bits of cholesterol, but it was a special occasion and we decided to bestow a little grace on our bundle of love. Needless to say, she took full advantage.

It's been a relatively calm last few weeks here at the Pak house. Sam's been working a regular schedule, Kayla's been sleeping like a champ at night, and the laundry is miraculously getting done. I always get to feeling a little guilty when life feels too good, and things are going so well. But like it says in Ecclesiastes, there truly is a time for everything, and if God was giving us a season of rest, then rest we would do. And no better way to recharge your batteries than to party it up Issaquah style with a little cake, a little baby, and a little XBOX 360.

Kayla couldn't have agreed more. Always the social butterfly, she spent most of the evening charming her fellow partygoers with her "everything I do you love, right?" antics. As for Sam and Liz, this became the perfect opportunity to indulge in a rarely performed act of eating-a-real-meal-with-two-hands while-sitting-down. That's all thanks to our friend Wing, who patiently stacked dominoes for her to knock over for a good half an hour. (thanks, Wing)

There were quite a few toddler toys around, much more awesome than the one's Kayla has at home. Alas, all our one and a half going on 21 year old wanted to play was "Rock Band" on XBOX 360 with her Dad and his friends. You gotta hand it to her, though, that girl's got EXCELLENT form! (note the chicken nugget in one hand...)

Who knew rest and relaxation could be so exhausting? Once again, this is not a drunken party scene, just Kayla and the guest of honor, both up a little past their bedtimes and just too pooped out to party any more. Happy birthday, Jalen, and thank you to the Wu's for throwing yet another fabulous party. Truly, no one does it better. Three cheers for first birthdays, for working hard and playing hard, and for living life to the glory of God.
No, thats not the "Drunk of the Week" from the latest Stranger. That's just Kayla at her friend Jalen's 1st birthday party this past weekend. And that queasy look isn't from one too many shots. Its from an overload of cheesy jalepenos and chicken nuggets. Now we don't usually let Kayla K.O. on fried bits of cholesterol, but it was a special occasion and we decided to bestow a little grace on our bundle of love. Needless to say, she took full advantage.
It's been a relatively calm last few weeks here at the Pak house. Sam's been working a regular schedule, Kayla's been sleeping like a champ at night, and the laundry is miraculously getting done. I always get to feeling a little guilty when life feels too good, and things are going so well. But like it says in Ecclesiastes, there truly is a time for everything, and if God was giving us a season of rest, then rest we would do. And no better way to recharge your batteries than to party it up Issaquah style with a little cake, a little baby, and a little XBOX 360.

Kayla couldn't have agreed more. Always the social butterfly, she spent most of the evening charming her fellow partygoers with her "everything I do you love, right?" antics. As for Sam and Liz, this became the perfect opportunity to indulge in a rarely performed act of eating-a-real-meal-with-two-hands while-sitting-down. That's all thanks to our friend Wing, who patiently stacked dominoes for her to knock over for a good half an hour. (thanks, Wing)

There were quite a few toddler toys around, much more awesome than the one's Kayla has at home. Alas, all our one and a half going on 21 year old wanted to play was "Rock Band" on XBOX 360 with her Dad and his friends. You gotta hand it to her, though, that girl's got EXCELLENT form! (note the chicken nugget in one hand...)

Who knew rest and relaxation could be so exhausting? Once again, this is not a drunken party scene, just Kayla and the guest of honor, both up a little past their bedtimes and just too pooped out to party any more. Happy birthday, Jalen, and thank you to the Wu's for throwing yet another fabulous party. Truly, no one does it better. Three cheers for first birthdays, for working hard and playing hard, and for living life to the glory of God.