This week's Pak family adventure took us up to Snohomish, WA to visit the pumpkin patch at The Farm (yes, that's the actual name). This was our inaugural visit together as a family, and we were lucky enough to convince our good friends the Laytons to accompany us. Liz and Kayla went last year, but colicky screams and dreary weather made the undertaking a bit too ambitious to be enjoyed.
This year proved to be quite an improvement. We were blessed with wonderful weather, and Kayla was old enough to (somewhat) enjoy the activities. She was a bit too small for the John Deere tricycles, but with a some help from mom, we managed to steer our way out of the hay maze. Phew! What an undertaking. The corn kernel bin, well, that was met with mixed reviews.

We also enjoyed a family friendly hay ride out to the pumpkin patch and Washington state corn maze (again, actual name). Kayla got a bit impatient waiting for a group of fourth graders to load, but luckily was able to distract herself by eating her jacket sleeve.
The corn maze proved to be more difficult than the hay maze, but our navigators Sam and Alex managed to get us through in record time! A good thing, too, because by then Ms. Kayla was either really tired and ready for a nap or seriously bored out of her mind.

We did have time to sneak in a quick picture or two out in the patch before a nap deprivation meltdown. A note of advice to our readers, come a little earlier in the month for optimal pumpkin photo ops. By this late in the game they start looking a tad disheveled. Not that we are one to complain of course. After all, Asians don't eat pumpkins so we didn't really miss out.
you paks are sooooooooo cute!! :D i love it! *hugs!*
Glad you guys were able to make it on a nice day. Love the blog!!
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