Habakkuk 3:18-19- yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
I bet you didn't even know the Mariner's still had fans! Well, apparently they do and apparently, they're us! And not rain nor sleet nor snow nor blistering cold could keep us away from taking part in the annual Mariner's Fanfest at Safeco Field.

Kayla mostly entertained herself by people watching and fixating on her new mittens, but it was much too cold and crowded to do much running around. Sam was having fun, too, but he hid it well.

We tried our hand briefly at "playing catch" with Kayla out in right field. Not sure if she got that it was all a game or if she was just insulted that we were throwing things at her. At any rate, we decided it might be a bit early to be getting Kayla her own glove. I guess we'll just work on switch hitting this year.

After that fantastic display of eye-hand coordination , we decided to let Kayla sit out on the pitching portion of the day. Sam, on the other hand, well, not to be a boastful wife, but you can see who the true sportsman of the family is.

One of the highlights of being a parent is seeing your kid light up with joy when you take them some place "really fun", or the anticipation you feel when you know they're about to experience something "really awesome". Kayla, as you know, is quite the bubble burster on that particular aspect of parenthood, but we don't mind. After all, it keeps us humble and reminds us where our real joy is supposed to be anyway.

Kayla mostly entertained herself by people watching and fixating on her new mittens, but it was much too cold and crowded to do much running around. Sam was having fun, too, but he hid it well.

We tried our hand briefly at "playing catch" with Kayla out in right field. Not sure if she got that it was all a game or if she was just insulted that we were throwing things at her. At any rate, we decided it might be a bit early to be getting Kayla her own glove. I guess we'll just work on switch hitting this year.

After that fantastic display of eye-hand coordination , we decided to let Kayla sit out on the pitching portion of the day. Sam, on the other hand, well, not to be a boastful wife, but you can see who the true sportsman of the family is.

One of the highlights of being a parent is seeing your kid light up with joy when you take them some place "really fun", or the anticipation you feel when you know they're about to experience something "really awesome". Kayla, as you know, is quite the bubble burster on that particular aspect of parenthood, but we don't mind. After all, it keeps us humble and reminds us where our real joy is supposed to be anyway.