Finally getting around to posting on our big trip to Whistler! We all had a blast, especially Kayla, who has courageously overcome her irrational fear of snow only to be terrified by her new fear of indoor pools. What?!?!? Oh well. One thing at a time.

Kayla putting on a brave face for the day long road trip...

Enjoying a breakfast of champions with daddy (sorry to our dear friends who are not yet accustomed to waking up at the crack of dawn to tearful cries for "cack! cack!". Kayla's not cursing at you, she's just asking for some breakfast....) before he headed out for a long day of snowboarding

A second breakfast of champions with momma at McDonalds...

Exploring the snow and Whistler Village...

Competing in the hoola hoop Olympic trials...

And taking home the Gold!

Crashing story time at the local library..

May I...touch your baby?

Relishing our 30 dollar teriyaki chicken. Resort tax tasty!

Exploring the village with daddy on day two. It was a little colder this day and I think everyone was starting to get tired...Kayla was not a fan of the puffy jacket. Makes it hard to bend your elbows and such.

Unconsolable crying at the pool. Luckily, there was an ice skating rink nearby so the day was not a total loss. Sam even made a new friend!

It was a great trip and we were glad to share it with some old friends we don't get to see too often anymore. Thanks friends, for your graciousness in making it a family-friendly trip for Kayla. When we get pictures of Sam's escapades on the top of the mountain, I'll be sure to post those for you all too. You know, all the action shots of him in the half-pipe. Stay tuned!
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