Last week, Kayla had her first major injury. Poor thing tripped and cut her foot open on who-knows-what on our kitchen floor. So much for going to the grocery store, we ended up spending the whole afternoon lounging in bed, squealing dramatically..."ouweeee!!!!! ouweeeee!!!!"

"ouweee....look at my foot mama!"

"It hurts!!!!"

"I can't go on...."

"...(oh, look, a hanger)..."

"No really...I can't go on."

"No pictures, please...just leave me here to my misery"
Our little drama queen. *sigh* too bad. We really needed those groceries, too. Luckily, we were able to scrape by with what was left in the cupboard that night for dinner. Mmmm-mmm good, bagels and tofu.

Pssst. For those of you who are dialing us now demanding we take Kayla to the ER for a tetanus shot, here's a shot of the foot on day two. See? Amazing what a little soap and water can do.

24 hours later and Kayla is back to her old self. Look out, grocery store! Tonight, we feast!
mama knows best, thanks for sharing those great moments.
Lots of love
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